Comments on: Cheap Catalyst Made Out of Sugar Has the Power To Destroy CO2 Science, Space and Technology News 2024 Sun, 12 May 2024 20:53:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Nordquist Sun, 12 May 2024 20:53:19 +0000 Wow, denialists a go-go today. Get in the garden if you’re going to conc. solar drive the catalyst unsuitably; decoking it at 750°C is a fine sentiment, but it’s so hot you’ll kind of end up consuming the O2 again and blowing dioxane into the feedstock. Run the cool green chemistry in the synth loop and get ketones or kerosene fuel or polyarene epoxides or biodegradable valorated lignin monomers. If you make more than 80 billion metric tons, consider how carbon-neutral the mideast has become (cough) and slow it down in a few years so the plants have enough CO2.

By: J. William Bowser Sat, 11 May 2024 15:22:34 +0000 I was a Humanities major, but I “get” this from just High School chemistry. 2(CO2)=>2(CO)+O2. “Ambient pressure” means sea level air pressure. Heat the ambient air gases by running them through small glass pipes under focused sunlight. Nothing but the CO2 gets touched. The carbon monoxide thus produced goes into a refinery, to make other products (fuel). Burning the fuel produces more CO2, which gets recycled over and over again. It’s like growing trees then burning the wood, over and over–a circular system–only the catalyst works faster, and it never wears out.

By: Daniel Kintner Fri, 10 May 2024 18:22:51 +0000 There are a lot of things wrong with this article. How exactly is a catalyst accomplishing the reduction of CO2 to CO? What is being oxidized? And what else would be there to react with whatever matter that is being oxidized? How would a catalyst overcome the thermodynamics of the reaction that would lead to the formation of CO?

By: Daniel Kintner Fri, 10 May 2024 18:19:39 +0000 In reply to Ed.

Too little CO2 is a problem, but too much CO2 even more so. Not just for the climate, but for the oceans which will become more acidic if CO2 levels rise. So yes, look at the issue more carefully.

By: Dr. Milan soukup Fri, 10 May 2024 07:36:12 +0000 Ok

By: Dr. Milan soukup Fri, 10 May 2024 07:35:31 +0000 Such a non sense should not be published. Where is the benefit of such research?? Convrting CO2 into Co using of huge amount of energy.

By: JON Thu, 09 May 2024 18:21:25 +0000 In reply to Johnny.

It’s almost funnier than that. They correctly point out that carbon monoxide is useful for a lot of chemical applications and even as a heating fuel. The funny part is that pretty much without exception everything we use it for converts it back to carbon dioxide. So, this would be expending energy and resources (a net negative effect on the environment) to create a catalyst (that is less effective than the means we already have to make carbon monoxide as a product), in order to convert carbon dioxide to caron monoxide which is then used in processes that change it back into carbon dioxide. The net effect is whatever waste energy and cost there is in producing the catalyst and process to capture and ship the CO compared to how it’s already sourced. No upside at all and certainly additional negative environmental effect in energy cost alone.

By: Tam Millar Thu, 09 May 2024 17:32:08 +0000 In reply to Matt Woodling.

Hi Matt . I’m an active environmental campaigner who is extremely serious about trying to stop fossil fuel use. I too am skeptical about Carbon capture technologies, particularly since they are currently,and may well remain,incapable of bringing about reductions in CO2 on the scale at which we need to achieve them. BUT there would ,in fact be a huge difference between using CO2 captured from the atmosphere to produce fuel and using fossil fuels. The issue with fossil fuels is that we are releasing millions of years worth of stored Carbon ( largely in the form of CO2) over a ,geologically speaking , very short time period. That is what is increasing temperatures. If we could just keep cycling our CO2 it wouldn’t be such a problem ( though we should still try to reduce current atmospheric levels ). The issue for me with these technologies is that ( currently at least) they are not applicable at the scale we need them. But that’s no reason not to try…

By: TheDean Thu, 09 May 2024 16:21:32 +0000 “Environmentally harmful CO2” said no experiment or study ever.
So what you’re doing here is adding a ton of energy to a reaction so you can replicate photosynthesis and end up with vegetable oil. Why not just let nature do it for free? We’ve been carbon negative this entire time through the natural process anyways (like it matters).

Of course, 2LoT steps in and you’re going to be burning more fuel for the amount of fuel you produce, creating more CO2 than you convert.

By: Nick Thu, 09 May 2024 14:39:12 +0000 It has been a long tim sinde i did chemistry but here i go:

the reason why we produce CO2 in the first place is because of we need to get energy
and CO2 is the product of burning combustible.
if we need to SPEND energy to convert it “back” from CO2 to CO
where would the energy come from ???
it s a bit like not burning fuel in the first place…

also CO itself is not that much better for us to manage
and as said above if it is then used back as source of energy (combustible)
then the whole cycle is then totally pointless…

By: Rick d Scaggs Thu, 09 May 2024 14:23:57 +0000 One suspects that agendas are in play here with the whole carbon campaign. But then using the air like an open sewer….

By: Johnny Thu, 09 May 2024 14:14:05 +0000 So wait… The idea is to take carbon dioxide (a non-poisonous emission – one you exhale with every breath) and convert it into carbon monoxide (a highly toxic emission – which is what comes out of your vehicle’s exhaust)? I’m failing to see where this makes any damn sense.

By: TAPugh Thu, 09 May 2024 10:10:34 +0000 The ambient level of CO2 in the atmosphere is approximately 420 PPM. At 150 PPM of CO2 the rate of photosynthesis would slow down and plants would start to die. At 100 PPM all plant Life would die, which means all people and animals would die of hunger. At 30000 ppm some people will start to have problems breathing, 40000 ppm people would start to die, and 50000 ppm of CO2 all people would die. Why do we need to lower the C02 levels again???

By: Mari Thu, 09 May 2024 08:26:54 +0000 I totally agree. Everybody forgot the basics from elementary school. The life on Earth, the densest and most thriving flora and fauna, happened to be during dinosaur era – and CO2 was tenfold today’s.
If the level of CO2 in your blood is too low, you experience blood acidosis and the body enters into a panic attack. Instant remedy is CO2 saturation by re-inhaling the exhaled air.
Scientists, do not rob us of essential life element.

By: Ed Thu, 09 May 2024 06:03:16 +0000 There is a fundamental, dangerous stupidity here. The image, for example, frames CO2 as environmentally harmful. So while everyone is blabbering about why too much CO2 will kill us all, few people seem to bother trying to understand the other side of that coin and advocate for seeking the proper balance rather than treating carbon dioxide as a poison. I have seen this stupidity in my own country where some years ago an “environmental minister” started talking about how bad it was that carbon poisons our soil, before being pulled to the side for a quick word.

Let’s zoom out a little, drop some of the assumptions, and look at the full role of carbon dioxide in the environment. Too little CO2 in the atmosphere will reduce plant growth worldwide and reduce agricultural yields. It will reduce the greenhouse effect until the planet is too cold.

Everything must exist in balance.

There is a natural carbon cycle on this planet, and you know what falls into it? All life. Your body. You are a carbon-based lifeform. Carbon is not bad. Imbalance is bad. We need to change the discourse so that we do not run off a bloody cliff with this insanity.

Demonize the elemental foundation of life itself at your peril. That said, controlling the element that determines how many plants can grow and therefore controlling all life on this planet sounds nice and convenient to certain agendas, doesn’t it?

Wake up. Ditch the rhetoric. Look at the issue more carefully. Don’t be bullied into turning off your brain and turning into a drooling mess whose most nuanced scientific thought is “carbon baaaad”. Acknowledge its role in all life and stop promoting the narrative that it’s something fundamentally harmful and scary.

By: Matt Woodling Thu, 09 May 2024 02:51:55 +0000 What is the benefit of such a process if it just ends up producing precursors to fuel, particularly fuels that would replace gasoline? Wouldn’t a fuel like that automatically involve combining carbon with oxygen that would produce carbon dioxide, putting the whole thing back at square one from a carbon dioxide in the atmosphere point of view?

I’m at a loss to see the benefit of making fuels out of carbon dioxide pulled from the atmosphere. It seems the whole point of getting carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere is to keep it out of the atmosphere. If instead all we get is a net zero change in carbon dioxide, what’s the point?

By: Jim Pantzer Wed, 08 May 2024 21:28:01 +0000 Great story about molybdenum carbide suger catalyst for CO2. Keep us posted!
